Welcome to Pennine Way Primary School
Nursery 30 Hours
At Pennine Way Primary School we offer a limited number of places of 30 free hours of early education a week (38 weeks term time only). These hours are to be taken between 8.30am and 3.15pm during term time.
This is an entitlement for working parents of 3 and 4-year-old children which eligble parents can apply for. It is an additional 15 hours per week entitlement to the existing 15hours free early education place. If a parent chooses to take the full 30 hours, the morning session will run from 8.30am until 11.30am and the afternoon session 12.15pm until 3.15pm. There will still be a charge for lunchtime cover of £3.00, as it is not included in the 30-hour provision. When you receive your code from HMRC this should be given to the school office. Additional sessions can be purchased if availability allows for children not accessing the 30 hours funding. These cost £8 per additional session and £3 for each lunchtime session.
If you have any questions about how this could work for you and your child please get in touch.
DfE – Will I qualify for 30 hours free childcare?
Wrap Around Care – Before and After School Club
We offer wrap around care for nursery aged children.
Our Before and After School Club will run from 8:00 am until 8:30 am at a cost of £2 and 3.15pm until 5:30pm (including a snack) at a cost of £7.
Please click here to book and pay online for the Before and After School Club.
How do I apply?
The childcare website offers a simple questionnaire to find out if they recommend you should apply or not. It also shows you what you may be eligible for.
If you wish to apply for the 30 hours you can use the following link