Welcome to Pennine Way Primary School


Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Welcome to Year 4. The teaching staff include Mr Marshall, Miss Lynch and Mr Nelson. We are brilliantly supported by Mrs Taylor and Mrs Humphreys who are with us for three days a week. In class, we have Mr Miles, Mrs Hendry-Grist and Mrs McCormick who provide excellent support to those who need it.


This term, the children will be learning about Scotland with a focus on the Lothians. We are really looking forward to our school trip which includes us taking a train up to Edinburgh and visiting the National Museum of Scotland. In History, we will be learning all about World War 2 and this is a topic that previous year groups have really enjoyed. PE days are on a Monday and a Wednesday. We would love for children to read at home each night and there will be opportunities to visit the school library to change books on a Monday and a Thursday.

Mr Marshall

Miss Schubert

Mrs Matthews





Year 4 Queries

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